
News from Swiss PV Circle and the photovoltaic industry


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Presentation on "Circular Business Model Experimentation in the Solar Industry" at the International Conference on New Business Models (NBM)

Roger Nyffenegger, PhD student at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the University of Maastricht, presented partial results from the Swiss PV Circle project at this year's NBM conference. Based on the pilots carried out in Swiss PV Circle, findings on the feasibility, desirability, profitability and recyclability of business models for the reuse of photovoltaic modules were presented, put into context and discussed with the audience consisting of researchers and industry representatives.

Presentation on "ML-based End-of-Life Forecasting for Reuse of PV Modules in Switzerland" at Electronics Goes Green 2024+

Electronics Goes Green 2024+ is an important meeting of researchers, policy makers and business players from the electronics and ICT industries. Its aim is to promote sustainability in these industries. As part of the Swiss PV Circle, Ässia Boukhatmi from Bern University of Applied Sciences presented the topic "ML-based End-of-Life Forecasting for Reuse of PV Modules in Switzerland" to an interested international audience.

Stärkung der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Solarbranche

SENS eRecycling und Swissolar starten zusammen mit der Berner Fachhochschule und weiteren Partnern aus der Solar- und Energiebranche das Projekt Swiss PV Circle. Das Projekt entwickelt Geschäftsmodelle mit dem Ziel, die Wiederverwendung von Photovoltaik-Modulen in der Schweizer Solarbranche zu etablieren. Die frühzeitige Bestimmung des Wiederverwendungspotenzials soll datenbasiert erfolgen, weshalb das Projekt die Entwicklung einer digitalen Plattform beinhaltet.